
I am proud of many things in my life, but nothing beats being a mother.


Hi There! -

I’m Kim! I’m a wife to Doug and a mama to Logan. I enjoy coffee, corny jokes, and self help media. I can spend DAYS lounging by a pool or on a beach with a few good books and never get bored.

I am also a work in progress. My intentional living journey, a.k.a. “living my best life,” began eight years ago and started with small steps to clean up my eating and exercise habits. I had recently quit my retail management job (woot! woot!) and started working in an office. Transitioning from being on my feet 10 hours a day to sitting at a desk 8 hours a day, I knew my eating habits had to change immediately if I didn’t want to put on 30 pounds overnight. Once my eating and exercise habits improved, I noticed other areas of my life that could use some fine-tuning, or in some cases, a major tune-up. I’m super proud of the progress I’ve made, but I also know I’ll never be “done” learning and growing.

So my next big ME project is this blog. I’m somewhat of a closet perfectionist (shout out to all my Capricorn ladies out there. I know ya feel me!) and have attempted to start a blog twice before. Both times making excuses for why I couldn’t/didn’t want to continue blogging.

In reality, I was so worried about the blog being perfect that I let self-doubt, analysis-paralysis, and the disease to please stop me in my tracks. Fortunately, even after two failed attempts, there is still a nagging feeling in my gut pushing me towards blogging. So I decided, enough pussy-footing around.

It’s time to get serious about not giving a f*ck what other’s might think, it’s time to stop worrying so much about “appearing” perfect or intelligent or put together. It’s time to put my money where my mouth is and work on this one huge shame trigger: I am not perfect. I do not know it all (shhh, don’t tell my husband). And while I would love to look polished and put together, I am a messy-hair don’t care, jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.

In comes ‘“Love, KBritt,” my version of a lifestyle, personal growth, beauty, style, health & fitness blog. Where I can share all the tips, tricks, information, and inspiration I’ve accumulated over the years with you, my new friends. And like me, this blog is a work in progress.

With this third-time’s-a-charm blog, I’m giving myself permission for it to not be perfect, or even good, at first. So a few disclaimers:

  • My grammar and punctuation might be suspect. And my writing style awkward.

  • My site design, brand colors, or logo might change a few times before I’m satisfied.

  • My blog may not follow any particular posting/social media schedule until I figure out what works for me.

  • My website might not have the bells and whistles you’ve come to expect from other super awesome blogs (or if they do, they may not work correctly at first).

And that’s okay.

This is my creative outlet, my courageous act of putting myself out there, and I’m so excited to share this with you. I hope is this blog will become a place of inspiration and motivation. A space that entertains, delights and spreads positivity. And most importantly, I hope this blog becomes a learning environment filled with valuable content for all to share and grow.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I can’t wait to see where this little blog takes us!


K Britt